Saturday, October 13, 2018

Old Friends

I've had the wonderful opportunity this month to hook up with 2 old friends, one I hadn't seen in many years.  One of the miracles of life is that, when someone is a true friend, that never ends no matter how long you go without seeing each other.

After many years, I did see Anne last year but it, unfortunately, was at her husband's memorial service.  I was leaving soon for Florida so we promised to get together this year.  Again, unfortunately, I spent a summer seeing one doctor after another for an illness I didn't have so I waited until the doctor visits ended.  Anne called me before I had a chance to call her, though.

We spent a lovely day on Thursday eating Thai food and catching up on things.  We went back to her house (still the same house and gorgeous beyond words with lovely gardens) for cake, tea, and more catching up.  When I left, Anne hugged me tightly and said how it seemed no time at all had passed and that was true.  Once a good friend, always a good friend.

Anne does volunteer work and excels at lawn bowling but she still feels lonely at times without Bill who was the love of her life.  We made tentative plans to meet again, maybe for an afternoon movie, and I really hope we can manage to see each other often now.

I noted how different Anne and Irene had aged.  Both are within a year of each other and poor Irene has suffered a stroke which has left her slightly handicapped.  Anne, on the other hand, moves around like an 18 year old and takes no medication at all...just like Faye.  Being an active senior really does matter and I know I should be more active but I'm lazy.  Maybe I'm still here and fairly healthy despite a sedentary lifestyle because I was blessed with good genes.

Anyway, I'm ever so happy to have met up with Irene and Anne again after so long because you can never have too many friends in your life.

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