Monday, November 05, 2018


Since Trump became president of the U.S. it's been one shocker after another until nothing much shocks us any more.  The whole damned world sits in wonder at what the hell has happened to the U.S. and that they've become a country to be feared instead of admired.  This has all happened in less than 2 years under the power and influence of one very dangerous president.  So, can we really blame the president for all of it or does the blame fall squarely on the shoulders of the people who follow him?  Whichever, the image of the United States has been sullied and that will follow it for many years to come.

Today I see that some of the crazier citizens have packed up their guns and headed to the California/Mexico border to keep what they believe to be invading hordes of South Americans from pushing their way across the border.  They've been driven to believe their own military is incapable of protecting their borders and that the so-called invaders...desperate men, women, and children...will storm the border and take over the U.S.  Their very own president has drilled this into their gullible little heads.  Innocent people are going to be killed if this craziness isn't stopped.

I'm beyond understanding how so much hatred has been generated in such a short period of time in the U.S. and my conclusion is that we are all...every country...only one evil leader away from behaving exactly the way the Americans are.  This usually hidden hatred for their fellow man does not lie just in the U.S. but in all of us and that makes me absolutely miserable. 


Shelley said...

Ugly, stupid Americans. So many ugly, stupid Americans. They disgust me. There is simply no excuse for them.

patsyrose said...

What scares me most is that some of his loyal followers are otherwise good,"christian" people. I know these people to be kind and decent and the fact that they are blind to Trump's horrible faults fills me with dread. It's comparable to nazi Germany where even the Catholic church supported Hitler. It's incomprehensible.