Sunday, November 04, 2018

Why Are They Shocked?

Someone posted a political photo of a bunch of naked women covering their crotch with their hands and are expressing shock that women would do this.  Where was this shock and disgust when their president was filmed saying he liked to grab women by the pussies because he could???

Politics have always been dirty but they have sunk to a deep, deep low in the United States with Trump's presidency.  I don't think I've ever seen that country so divided as I do now with Republicans and Democrats despising each other.  What does this mean for their future?

My dear friend, Arlean, is a staunch Republican and also a wonderful human being.  She has promised to have a private talk with me about American politics when I get to Florida...I know she'll be able to state her case politely.  I don't usually talk politics at the park because I'm a visitor in that country and I know my place but, if there ever was a chance to try to understand why good and decent people like Arlean support Trump, this will be it.  Americans like to tell me that we Canadians have our own problems with Trudeau and I agree.  I believe Trudeau is destroying Canada just as much as Trump is destroying the States.  North America is in a sad state of affairs right now.

I think I use common sense when evaluating a politician.  They didn't get there by telling the truth and they don't remain in office without stealing from the public.  Just my opinion!

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