Saturday, November 03, 2018

Politicians at their Worst

They deserve what they vote for.  With every election the candidates will smear their opponents at every chance and some citizens feed on that, especially if the one being smeared isn't their choice to begin with.  The drama created by dredging up dirt blinds the voters to the fact that the dirt slinger either isn't telling you how he/she will make your world better or they're promising the moon and keeping none of the promises once elected.

Citizens jump on these band wagons, ignoring every bad signal from their party of choice and believing every bad word said about the party they've come to hate.  These same citizens go to church on Sunday and promise to love their neighbor but they don't.  Not if they belong to a different political party, have a different skin color, were born in a different country, or fellow a different religion.  These citizens pray to a merciful god and then trash their fellow man.  

They watch their politician of choice curse, philander, torment, lie, and steal...and they praise him/her as their savior.  There are few depths their politician of choice can sink to that makes them unworthy in the eyes of the people who voted for them.

It's interesting to note, though, that every once in a while, a politician begins to think they're invincible and they take that one step too far and their fans drop them like a hot turd.

There are a few hot and stinky turds that should be dropped soon.  It's only a matter of time.      

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