Monday, November 26, 2018

Special Events in November

November is a good month for our family.  Jake's 20th birthday was on the 7th, Matt's 32nd birthday was on the 25th, Cindy's 59th birthday will be on the 27th, and what would have been my 61st anniversary is on the 30th.  All of this sort of makes me feel old...but just the numbers!

And now the Canadian November weather!  It isn't the cold that gets me down but the grey days that seem to fill this month.  I've gotten by okay just being happy to be home but today is one more miserably, grey, rainy day and I'm getting fed up.  Driving down to Florida after Christmas is starting to look better and better!

I'm taking Cindy and Don out to dinner tonight for Cindy's birthday and I'm looking forward to that.  Of course, I always look forward to dinner out but especially with my babies.  And, yes, Cindy is still and always be my baby.

Kim had a little birthday party for Matt last night and served the best lasagna I've ever tasted.  It amazes me what great cooks my girls turned out to be considering the mother they have.  I hadn't seen Nolan and Nash in a little while and I can't believe how tall they're's probably only been a month but they are growing like weeds.

It was a shock to hear that Nash has been misbehaving so badly at school that he's been put on Ritalin.  I hate the very thought of a child being put on a drug because they are acting like brats.  I know Nash and he is a normally good little boy so something must be going on to make him act badly.  We think it might be his way of getting attention and it's a bloody shame to put a child on Ritalin because they have a temporary problem.  Poor Nick just doesn't know how to handle this and is relying on the professionals but the doctor who prescribed the Ritalin apparently saw Nash for about half an hour.  It's just awful!!

My version of Nash...a sweet and gentle little boy, very loving and quiet spoken and almost never demanding attention.  How can this child ever be diagnosed with ADHD??  I can't stand it. 

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