Friday, November 23, 2018

I've Been Thinking

It's easy to find fault with the U.S. government and sometimes I forget that they have legitimate worries about illegal immigrants because I sympathize with them.  I had commented on my friend, Arlean's, post saying none of the "caravan" people would storm the border and therefore the troops sent by Trump were unnecessary.  Unfortunately, I forgot that not all of those desperate people will bother coming through the border crossings and searched and verified by U.S. border guards.  Many will cross illegally between border entries and those are the ones we should worry about.

It's also easy for us in Canada to sit in judgement when we're too far north to worry about our borders being stormed by illegal immigrants.  It is a far different story to have undocumented immigrants arrive at established and guarded border crossings than to have hordes of unknowns stream across inbetween those legal entries.

I think my opinions have been clouded by my dislike for Trump and all he stands for.  If Trump approves it, it must be bad!  I sometimes forget the reality of the situation.

No, I would be horrified if unknown immigrants by the thousands ran across our borders illegally.  I would be horrified at the cost to the tax payers of Canada and I would be very worried how many would be criminals or terrorists.  

There are many sides to every story.

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