Sunday, December 16, 2018

Gender Neutral Santa

I know things have changed drastically in our society but I wonder exactly when it became a crime to identify as the sex you were born into.  Why are some people trying to erase "male" and "female" from our society?  And, more important, why are the majority allowing it to happen?  Are we really that weak that we'll jump onto any new bandwagon to appear new age?  I can just see the future where gender neutral will be a joke because it cannot succeed.  Nature has seen to that.

Now, Santa is a male fictitious character that has been part of our culture for maybe 200 years...I could be wrong about the length of time but it's a long, long time!  Somebody has decided he should now be a female or gender neutral.  While this doesn't surprise me that some idiot has come up with such a stupid idea, the polls say 27% of the population agree.  What the hell is wrong with people???

Just as you can never make a man into a real woman (or woman into man) no matter how much surgery you perform, we human beings are almost always born sex assigned by nature.  And you know what happens when you fiddle around with nature.  Either you lose or you cause a catastrophe. 

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