Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blocked Ears and Puppysitting

Faye and I puppysat for Shelley and John last week while they went to Las Vegas...John on business, Shelley for fun, and both to renew their wedding vows by Elvis.  She wore a snazzy red dress with rhinestones on the sleeves and John wore a royal blue velvet jacket...quite fitting for such a top drawer wedding!

Tank, Gunner, and Winnie were our charges and I dearly love them all but spending 5 days catering to the demands (and I do mean demands) of 3 spoiled rotten dogs made me change my mind about getting one for myself.  They (mainly Gunner) demanded loudly to be let out to pee at least a dozen times a day.  They demanded their meals on time.  They demanded their snacks very loudly and on time.  They demanded to be fed when it wasn't even their time.  They also demanded a lot of affection and that I was more than happy to provide.

Even though I'm not sick any more, I still have blocked ears that were starting to worry me.  My nurse/practitioner, Shelley, cleaned an enormous amount of wax out my ears but that didn't unblock them.  She had told me to take the decongestant along with the antibiotic I was also taking but she didn't make it clear that I was to continue taking the decongestant until my ears unblocked.  I'm back on them now.

Faye isn't feeling well today and it worries me when she looks frail.  She's normally a tough old bird.  It's been unusually cold here in Florida and she has no fat to insulate her.  

I heard from Donna today, too, and she can't have her valve replacement until the infection in her toe is gone...4-5 weeks is predicted.  We sure have to be tough old birds to survive what life throws at us sometimes.  I just don't like being so far away from home when I'd like to be up there giving moral support to Donna.

I can't believe this is Jan. 22nd and tonight is my first time going over to the clubhouse to play cards.  That is one of the most fun things here for me but I've stayed away because of the cold and then going to Tampa.  Time flies!

Faye and I went over to the jam session at the clubhouse last night.  It's so nice to be able to just walk about a minute from my front door to get there (for cards, too).  I'm going to ask for a rental in the lot next to my trailer for next year.  I still don't know if I can sell my trailer and it can stay here or if it has to be pulled out.  The manager here is not too swift in replying to my question!

Well, I'm going to go to Joann's Fabrics and Bealls today with discount coupons in hand...on the cell phone, actually.  I hope Faye feels up to going with me.  Then it's cards with some fun ladies tonight.  Life is good!

Update:  We went to Joann's where I found 5 1/3 yards of white monk's cloth but, when I tried to use my 40% off coupon (on my cell phone), it wouldn't come up.  After spending many minutes trying to get the clerk to help me, she finally gave up and rang in the discount manually but somehow another discount was added and I saved another $15.  Yeah!!

Then we travelled on to Beall's only to find the store closed for renovations.  I could have cried...and I will cry loudly if we find the only Beall's I know of closed next week.  Beall's is my favorite store to shop for clothes.   

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