Sunday, January 06, 2019

In Florida

It was a wild and woolly week before leaving for Florida.  The Christmas festivities with family and then the family dinner on Friday that turned out to be Cindy and Don's engagement and wedding all rolled up into one.  I'm so happy for both of them because there is so very much love and commitment between them.

I had caught Bev's head cold and it just worsened until the first day's drive to Florida was abject misery for me.  Kellie did all of the driving, thank heavens, and I worried either she or Faye would catch my germs but they didn't.  We stayed at Shelley and John's for 4 days before going to the trailer.  I love my friends there but couldn't give or receive any hugs because of my cold.

The trailer was in great condition, nice and clean thanks to Debbie and Jim but the air conditioning wasn't working and it was hot as hell.  Boy, did that add to my misery!  Poor Faye worked like a dog dragging stuff in from the car so we could put it away and the heat!  I had to ask Bob Pierce if he could take a look at the air conditioner but, if it couldn't be easily fixed, I wasn't going to replace it.  He was able to fix it quickly by removing some bent and broken blades in the fan.  I couldn't exist here without the help of good people like Bob and we have a lot of them.

Problems never seem to end, though, and now the handle on the toilet tank has broken and I've put in a request for Kevin to look at it.  I try not to impose on one person when I need help.  I'll be so glad to dump this damned trailer and get a rental for next year.

My cold seems to have settled and isn't's still only a head cold but my whole head, nose, and ears are I texted Shelley to see if she could send a prescription for an antibiotic to Walgreens for me.  She and John are on o little getaway for their anniversary so I do hate to bother her but I feel miserable and am worried the cold might drop down to my chest.  Life as an old gal isn't always wonderful!

Jan brought over the passion flower that Linda had gotten for me and it's gorgeous!  I've wanted one of these for so long and thought I'd give it to Shelley when I leave for home but I'm afraid she'd kill it so it's going home with me.  If the U.S. government is still closed in April (Trump said he'd keep it closed for years if he can't have his wall!), there probably will be no border guards at all.

Well, I'm happy to be in Florida and grateful to have Faye with me.  I love her dearly and she is such a wonderful friend.  I've been lucky all along to have in-laws that I love.

Today I'll plant a few more flowers and wait for sweet Kevin to fix my toilet and Shelley to send me an antibiotic.  Life is what you make of it.  

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