Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Blocked Ear and now Laryngitis

The blocked ear came about just after I developed the cold at the end of December.  I still have it and also laryngitis all probably caused by a sinus issue.  I've taken every antihistamine and decongestant available but to no avail.  I've pretty much given up and will now wait until I can see my doctor when I get back home.

I detest being any kind of ill while I'm not back in Canada.  I don't feel I'm sick enough to see a doctor here but what is wrong with me is extremely irritating.  

Anyway, enough squawking about my health.  Today I'll go to the game rooms and lose myself for a while and then cards with friends at the clubhouse tonight.  I miss my friend, Sylvia, so much when I'm here.  We were always together and had our shopping day every Tuesday when we'd go to Bealls and then to lunch.  I have lots of casual friends here but no close buddy like Sylvia and I miss that.

One of the ladies who looked through the trailer and seemed the one most likely to buy it has changed her mind.  She was kind enough to call me last night to let me know that she prefers to rent one rather than be stuck with the responsibility of owning one.  I understand completely.

Life here is good but sometimes a little boring.

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