Thursday, February 07, 2019

Eliminating the Bad

I am blessed with a lot of wonderful people in my life and it wasn't entirely by accident.  It's a lot harder to eliminate harmful people from your life when you're young because you're still naive enough to think they might change.  They don't.  They just become mature but harmful adults.

Every so often I think about how many really nice people I associate with and wonder why it took me so long to just walk away from the bad ones.  I do it so easily now and that could be because my future time is finite and I don't have a lot of time left.  

As we played cards the other night and talked and laughed about everything under the sun, I noted how every single lady at that card table is someone I dearly care for and who has never done harm to me.  I didn't actually pick and choose them but I did put myself in the company of some pretty nice people.  And that's how you do it.

I've had mostly relatives who weren't up to par as far as treating me well and they're the hardest to walk away from simply because of family connections and get-togethers.  I've learned to deal with that and just concentrate on being polite when I'm forced to be in their company.  I don't have to hang out with them, just keep my distance.

It's important in life to surround yourself with positive people and not stress yourself with people who don't have your best interests at heart.  That can wear you out and cause mood disorders.  You need to be at peace with and around yourself and you can't do that while dealing with anyone who is dangerous to your well being.  I have only good people around me now and my happiness is proof of that.

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