Friday, February 22, 2019

Sleepless Nights

Well, they're back again and I think I know why.  I am definitely not worrying about whether the trailer will sell or not but I am worrying that I'll be stuck in mid March arranging to have it dismantled and towed out.  If I have to do this rather than sell it, there are tons of details to be taken care of and I'm not sure how to go about it.

In no way am I worried about the money.  I've had 19 wonderful years in this trailer so it's paid for itself many times over but someone could still get many more years of enjoyment out of it and that's why it would be a shame to scrap it.

I've noticed that most of my sleepless nights lately have been filled with how I'm going to handle this.  Not exactly worry but more being up in the air when I'm the type of person who always needs to know where I stand.  Part of my problem is that the trailer still isn't listed on the park's website and it's been almost a month.  Very poor management here!

I'm also anxious to get back home and see a specialist about this sinus problem that developed with the cold I had.  My ears are still blocked and I have very little voice.  This can't be normal.  Add this to the trailer sale and it's no wonder I can't sleep.

Today is my coffee morning for the ladies and I'll have a request from one of the more nimble ones.  The front door bulb is burned out and I can't go up more than 1 step on the ladder to reach it and replace the bulb so hopefully one of my friends will be able to do it for me.  These little things bug me no end!

I used to be able to drag unsuspecting males off the street to do something like this but I don't hardly know anyone here any more and it just doesn't seem right to ask strangers.

Life for a sometimes helpless old lady isn't always pleasant.  

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