Sunday, February 24, 2019


I'm always saying that there can be no reason for Canada and the U.S. to not get along because we are the same people.  Both countries are the melting pots of the world, where people who flee their birth countries come to live a better life.  It's the way it's been for centuries.

I flee the cold winters of Canada to enjoy the warm/hot winters of Florida and so do many of my neighbors here in the park.  We socialize as one people, no-one caring if you're American or Canadian as long as you're good people.  This is the way I've always known it to be here.

Last night we all, Canadians and Americans alike, celebrated our Canada Day (U.S. Day was celebrated by all of us last month) with a wonderful dinner and dance at the clubhouse.  One of the most joyful things is that we all sing both national anthems at these dinners and it makes me feel so good to see how different countries, politics aside, can be friends.  It's the way it should be.

No, I don't like Trump but I don't like Trudeau, either.  A person's politics might define them in a certain way but I believe it's mostly them trying to see the good instead of the bad.  I see mostly the bad so I'm not much different, am I?

I was the only Canadian at my dinner table but that's something I just realized.  It didn't matter then and it doesn't matter now.  What I do recall is that when I won the 50/50 draw, it was my American friends who cheered loudest.  

We don't talk much politics here because it can be a divisive subject.  It's kind of like creating a good don't keep bringing up things to argue about.  We concentrate on the enjoyment of our senior years and there's no place for discord.

Oh yes, and it was our French Canadians who made the delicious dinner and arranged the entertainment.  This park is a prime example of how people of differing backgrounds and, yes, politics, can get along peacefully.  We could educate the world!

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