Monday, February 25, 2019

Wanting Home

I can remember when I'd get a little low in March because my winter holiday was almost over after 6 months but that gradually changed until I miss home a lot now no matter how long I've been away.  It has been 3 months this year (by the time I go home) and I've been a little homesick for at least some of that time.  Times and circumstances change and I've also not been feeling great because of the aftermath of the cold I had.  My ears are still blocked and the laryngitis lingers on.  If I was at home I'd have seen a specialist by now.  I don't feel sick but I don't feel completely well, either.

Next year (fingers crossed) I'll be renting one of the nice new trailers for 3 months and have absolutely no responsibilities other than paying the rent.  It's one of the things I love most about renting my apartment at home.  If something goes wrong, it isn't my responsibility to fix it.  I'll also have a washer and dryer in the new trailer and that is a real perk for me.

Faye phoned yesterday to tell me Donna T. is back in the hospital because her new heart stent is acting up.  This worries me so much to have someone I love in poor health.  I couldn't do anything for her even if I was home but it feels terrible to be so far away at this time.  

It's always a real pleasure to be able to be outside in warmth without needing a coat or boots in the dead of winter but home is still calling my name.

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