Thursday, February 28, 2019

Honesty in Politics

I should have put a big LOL after that title because there is no honesty in politics.  Some look and sound a little cleaner than most but one or two honest politicians can't buck the whole system.  The system has been designed to make it unbelievably easy for politicians to rob the country blind.  Every once in a while, one of them is brought to task to fool us into believing truth and honesty now prevail...but that's bullfeathers.

I once suggested to my husband that he should run for office because he had good values and couldn't be bought.  Looking back on it, it probably would have been some sexy young lady who did him in, though.  That actually happened to a local politician I thought was as close to honest as possible but his testosterone ruined his career and his marriage.

I think politics has always been shady but I think they've all now sunk to the depths of hell.

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