Saturday, March 02, 2019


I'm going to Tampa today to see my daughter, 4 grandkids, and 4 of their significant others.  I was very fortunate in my life to have been able to spend lots of time with most of my grandchildren when they were growing up...Shelley's kids lost out on Gramma time because they were usually living in foreign countries due to John's military career.

I'm lucky for a lot of reasons but being close to my grandchildren took a concerted effort on my part.  I went out of my way to be part of their lives and aways knew I was doing something that would benefit all of us in the future.  Children really need their grandparents and greatgrandparents in their lives.  This is a win/win situation.

You usually can't have a decent relationship with your adult grandchildren if you haven't begun the process when they were young.  I really enjoyed my time with them when they were little because they made me laugh.  I have so many wonderful memories of them as children, so innocent and sweet.  Even though I didn't see much of Shelley's kids, we still managed to create a loving friendship.

I feel very sorry for people who won't make time for their grandchildren because of their own selfish needs.  The grandchildren lose out on getting to know them and an opportunity for an important relationship for all is lost.  I might not agree with everything my children or grandchildren  believe in these days but I'll love them forever anyway.  It was never my right to dictate their lives, but just to be allowed to be part of them.


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