Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Outdoor Clotheslines

In this time of time saving devices, one of the things many have missed out on is the outdoor clothesline.  There really isn't anything to compare with laundry that has dried outside after wafting in a fresh air breeze.  The very best is the lovely smell of bed sheets that have dried outside.

I did a small hand wash today...mostly the Indian tops that color continues to bleed out of maybe forever.  They have to be hand washed because they're so poorly made they'd shred in a washing machine.  I still love them for the vibrant colors, though.

We've had beautiful days full of sunshine for the last few weeks and wouldn't you know that the one day I decide to do the hand wash and hang the clothes outside that we have cloud cover and a darned good chance of rain.  I'm hoping to get the items mostly dry before it rains, though.  There is a lovely breeze out there.

I remember the days when I had no dryer and had to hang everything on the line even in the deep cold of winter.  The clothes would freeze and stiffly blow in the wind until they gradually dried and softened.  The smell as I brought them back inside was intoxicating, so fresh and natural.  No fabric softener was ever need for clothes that dried that way.

I only have this opportunity right now because the trailer is the only place I have access to a clothesline.  It's too bad.  I'll sure miss that fresh air smell on my laundry.

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