Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Why We're Here

I often wonder if everyone's brains work like mine does.  Does everyone else constantly wonder why the heck we exist?  If it's an experiment, I think we've failed.  If it's a forever thing, I think we've failed to become better people.  If we're soon to be blown off the face of the earth, I think it won't be too big a loss.

Human beings have so much potential to do wondrous things.  We have a great capacity for love and kindness but that seems to have been lost to personal greed.  I'm no exception in case anyone is wondering just how perfect I think I am.  Nope, I'm as bad as the masses.

I do often wonder what our world would be like with just one day where evil took the day off.  Way in the back of my mind where I try not to go is the knowledge that terrible atrocities are being committed around the world.  Why does this have to happen?  Why can't we harness the good that truly is in us and turn our backs on the evil that resides there, too.  I'm always saying we're flawed but I've never understood why.

Something that has become very difficult for me to stomach is how someone can be very religious and doing their best to live a good and decent life yet still feel and act upon their hatred of people who follow a different religion.  Facebook is useful in it's own way but it's also become a source of political and religious bias that is almost violent.  

We aren't improving.  We are becoming better educated but even that has been tainted with small party bias that really makes no sense but somehow has become "politically correct" for the masses to abide by.  Who the heck would ever have thought we'd become ashamed of specific gender?  I think, beyond war, this is an issue that might destroy our society.  It's almost as though women have become more powerful in reaching for equality that some want to erase the concept of men.  We don't have to do that to be equal...we only have to settle for nothing less than equality.

I'm at the far end of my lifespan and I know we're in trouble as a society.  It won't affect me but this 'politically correct" crap will definitely affect my progeny.  What we need is a hero, someone we all can respect and who sees clearly what will benefit all of us.  We've followed the demands of a tiny minority for too long and it's time for the majority to step up.

I'm really hoping we, as a people, can do better for each other regardless of sex, race, religion, or any other difference.  


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