Monday, March 25, 2019

Haircut and Pedicure

I'm sorry but I happen to like being spoiled with a nice haircut and a good pedicure and I had both today.

I would bet there is not one woman who has experienced these things that doesn't crave to have the next one.  I feel spoiled every time so it's not as though it's something I feel I'm entitled to but something I feel very lucky to be able to have.

Wow!  Sharon, the park manager, just came by with a $2500 offer for my trailer.  I'd get $1500 after the park commission.  Here's hoping it goes through!!!  Isn't it interesting how life and circumstances can change in a split second?

Back to my haircut and pedicure...I used to feel guilty about the pedicure but it's become something I can't do myself any more so now it's perfectly acceptable to me...I still feel like I'm being spoiled, though.  Every woman needs a good haircut in order to get through the day.  I don't care if you're rich or poor or inbetween.  You need to know your hair looks at least okay.  I feel no guilt whatsoever about getting a nice haircut.

Well, no matter what happens in our day, the world keeps turning and the seasons keep changing.  Look for the good in it and you'll find it.

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