Saturday, March 23, 2019


I didn't win at Bingo last night but I did get quite a surprise.  During half time, many of the people there go around and visit friends who are sitting at other tables and often come to ours.  I was kind of surprised at how many came over last night though until Dee started thanking me for doing our Friday coffee mornings and then handed me a card.  I cried, of course, especially because it touches me deeply when people are so kind to me.  Inside the card was a gift certificate for a pedicure and also some money to use to buy flowers for the park rental next year.  These are such wonderful ladies that I can't even find the right words to describe them.  I just feel so blessed to have somehow arrived at this park way back in 1998 and been allowed by chance and circumstances to stay here this long.  If luck stays with me and I can come back next year, I will feel doubly blessed.

One thing these ladies don't know is that our Friday coffee mornings do more for me than for them.  I look forward every week to spending a few hours yakking and laughing with them.  They are all good, kind, fun, and intelligent ladies that I'm so very lucky to have for friends.  Fate has been good to me in many ways.

This morning I turned on the computer to see another wonderful thing that has happened.  Shelley has been offered what I believe is her dream job working at the Airforce base and I can't wait to hear all the details.  She's wanted a job that was closer to home and this certainly is...maybe 15-20 minutes from her house and no highway travel!  I am thrilled for her!!

Of course, all good things are not 100% without a few glitches and I'm now wondering how I will get back home.  Poor Cindy has a broken ankle and wrist and now Shelley has her new job.  Hmmm!  I'm not worried, though, because I can drive myself if absolutely necessary but it will just take me a bit longer.  I'm also still waiting to hear if the park will buy my trailer so lots of things are up in the air right now.  That's life and I can handle it!

Today I'm going over to Shelley's to stay overnight.  I want to get rid of the stuff packed in the back seat of my car that are staying at Shelley's until next winter.  They're things I'll want to have for the rental.  Fingers crossed!  

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