Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Better Every Day

Something I've noticed in my elder years is how extra long it takes me to recover from any illness.  The fact that I do gradually recover at the advanced age of 78+ is kind of a mystery to me because I haven't taken proper care of my body ever!  I'm assuming that I carry tough genes that withstand abuse.

When I saw my doctor on Monday, he didn't think I'd needed the antibiotics that Shelley gave me but he also didn't know how horribly sick I was last week.  I honestly believe that my present state of recovery is owed to those antibiotics.  He did give me a prescription for some kind of cortisone nasal spray to clear up my sinuses which should clear up the blocked ears and swollen throat.  Honestly, my recovery began with the antibiotics so there must have been some infection somewhere to begin with.

I'm still coughing a fair bit but not choking like I was last week.  My ears are still blocked but this nasal spray is supposed to take a few days to start working.  Fingers crossed!  I'm getting blood work and ex-ray today and I have an upcoming appointment with some specialist in Burlington for an EKG (I think).  My heart rate always goes way up when I'm sick but I've never had any actual heart problems.

I decided to not start any spring housecleaning until I'm much better and also to hire Don's friend, Brent, to help with most of it.  Last year I did one day of spring housecleaning and I was sick for weeks after.  I hadn't completely recovered from the bad cold I'd had in Florida.  This seems to be a repeat but much more severe.

It's cool and dismal outside but I'm so very happy to be home.  By the time I finish with all these doctor's appointments (I hope), it will be time to plant some flowers.

Update:  The reason why you should always have someone with you when you're ill and seeing your doctor is because you aren't thinking clearly and mistake a lot of what he/she says.  I'm not having an EKG but I will have to wear a heart monitor for 2 days.  The doctor in Burlington is an ear/nose/throat specialist.  All is now clear and I'll be glad when I get some answers.

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