Saturday, April 06, 2019

My Posse

The people at my park have lots of time to spare.  If a new trailer is being set in, you will find dozens of interested people crowded around watching just how it's done.  If new people are moving in, you can bet lots will drop by to welcome them.  It's no surprise that the events around my trailer have been watched carefully.  Everyone knew that I wasn't sure if it was sold or not so I've been getting messages from my friends keeping me updated.

I was told when there was no sign of the new owners.  I was told when the new owners' daughter dropped by (her parents had bought her another trailer in the park).  I was told when people were actually seen inside the trailer.  It's really nice to be kept updated like this when I wasn't completely sure it was sold.  I guess I can rest assured now.

The cheque should arrive today or Monday and I've given Shelley the Wells Fargo bank card so she can deposit it.  It gives me $1500 towards next year's rental.  She and John will also split the balance of approximately (after $500 down payment and the $1500 payment) $3400.  These rentals aren't cheap but I know I have 1 or 2 winters at most to spend in Florida.  After that I'll be 81 (can you believe it???) and the out of country health insurance will be staggering.

I had a good night last night with little coughing so I guess the antibiotics are really starting to work.  I'm awfully weak, though, but guess I can attribute that to age.  The coughing bouts absolutely wore me out and I know I've lost weight because I didn't eat much...too afraid to choke.  This has all been very similar to what I had last year this time but more loss of breath this year.  I'm wondering if it is or is becoming chronic.

Any way, I fly home tonight, getting into Hamilton at 1 A.M. and staying overnight at Kim's house.  I get to see her beautiful new kitchen!!!!  On Sunday I can have a nice visit with Cindy and then borrow her car until Tyson gets home with mine.  I might decide to stay at Cindy's for a few days if I'm too nervous about being alone in my own apartment.  The choking is a worry but it is subsiding a lot.

Being sick and living alone will always worry me but I have the comfort of knowing my family will look out for me.  I am blessed and I know it.  We are blessed and we know it!!  

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