Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter 2019

Our family has never paid too much attention to Easter other than have a nice family dinner.  Today I'm having dinner at Kim's with Matt, Kellie, Nick, Bev, Nolan, and Nash.  Cindy and Don had planned to be there, too, but decided instead to have their own family dinner with Don's children.  I guess the most important thing about Easter for us is that it's a time to have a family gathering.

Tyson and Sarah got home yesterday and are bringing my car to me this afternoon.  I don't know how I can ever thank them for their generosity.  Tyson said we're all just good people and that's how we work.  How lucky we are to have each other!!

It's another cloudy, damp day but I'm still so thrilled to be home.  I think there's something in my subconscious that is telling me I need to be here instead of 1200 miles away in Florida...maybe instinct about my state of health.  Who knows?

I get the heart monitor on tomorrow for 2 days but I'm not really worried about my heart.  For as long as I remember, my heart rate has always been high (90's) but I understand why my doctor wants to check it a little further.  I'm not happy that I won't be seeing an ear/nose/throat specialist until late summer, though.  I know that means my doctor isn't too worried about me but I still have blocked ears and that irritates me.

All seems to be moving along well with the trailer sale so far.  You never know, though, because I've had 2 sales cancelled already.  It's been like an ongoing saga all winter and it's time it was over!

It will be good to get all my Swedish weaving tools out of the car.  My first table runner will be a gift for Arlean.  I love selling them and making a few dollars but I also love just as much gifting them to people I care about.  It's always been more of a satisfying hobby for me rather than a way to make money.

Well, I should get some work done but I won't...just make my bed and wash a couple of dishes.  Life is easy today!

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