Saturday, April 20, 2019


Life at any age does not come without limits and I adjusted to one of mine today.  Cindy had asked me if I'd go with her this morning so she could get a manicure and pedicure...she needs help getting on her knee wheeler because it has to be folded up for travelling and unfolded for use.  I, as usual, worried I might not have the skills to fold and unfold but knew she really needed this luxury trip badly right now.  She's been pretty down on herself because of her physical limitations which won't be gone any time soon.  I thought it was worth a try, though, and drove on up to her house this morning.  The problem was that I didn't realize until heading up the mountain how bad the weather was.

By the time I got to Cindy's house, I knew it would be foolhardy for me to spend even 5 minutes out in the cold, wet, and windy weather handling that kneeler.  For a few years now I get a cold easily and it turns deadly very fast so I can't take chances any more.  Cindy understood and we just stayed in and had a nice visit. 

I've come to the realization that it just might be a simple cold that will take me out in the end.  My immune system isn't 100% and my age inhibits healing, also.  It's a fact of life and, just as I know better than to go up a ladder, I know now to make more effort not to catch that simple but potentially deadly cold.

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