Tuesday, April 16, 2019

I Learned Something Today

Because I'm old and have experienced depression I often believe I can help anyone with any problem but I have a lot to learn.  One thing I learned recently is that we should never tell someone how they should be feeling.  We can point out an alternative way to cope but we feel what we feel and that's the truth.

I always remember the old story of how someone asked a lady why she always looked so happy and she replied, "because I choose to be".  That story made such a deep impression on me that it's been a benefit to me since I first heard it.  We can choose to dwell on the not so good aspects of our lives or we can choose to keep the good stuff first and foremost.

We all know a few people who seem to be sunk in their own sadness because life didn't turn out so good for them...but they're not starving, they don't have cancer, and they do have good friends and family who just don't know how to get through to them.  We have so many choices in this crazy life so why not choose the high road?

We also know people who are known by their big smiles and happy attitudes.  You know darned well that they also have demons in their daily lives but they choose to overcome them and not give into them.  

I talk about this from the place of having lived part of my life letting the demons control me and part of my life where I learned to control the demons.  Each battle won made me stronger and determined to live a happier life.  But, even with the help of counseling and antidepressants, I was the one who had to lead the battle.  It all begins with you and the choices you make.

There's an old saying that we should make the best of any situation and that is true.  If you let failures rule you, you will always feel like a failure.  If you fight the battle and come out on the other side all scarred but a survivor, then you will be better prepared for what life throws at you next.

I consider myself a survivor.  I have some of the most wonderful people in my life that I love and trust.  That makes me a winner, too. 

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