Monday, April 15, 2019

Unblocking Ears

Whoever would have thought a person could go 3+ months with blocked ears?  It's one of those crazy events that absolutely no-one could possibly prepare for because, in my case, it's the first time my ears remained blocked for more than a week or so.

I'm now using a prescription nasal spray that is designed to clear up the sinuses, therefore unblocking the ears and shrinking the swollen throat.  So far this past week the throat has shrunk back nicely and my voice is getting back to normal but the ears continue to be blocked.  They unblock once in a while and the world becomes very loud and then they close up again (I'm assuming with fluid) and I'm half deaf.  Irritating as hell!

It got me thinking about how you just can't prepare yourself for everything in advance because too many weird things pop up in your lifetime that you never even considered a possibility.  I like to prepare myself for the worst and then hope for the best but I like to at least have some idea what I'm preparing for...I never once prepared myself for a 3+ month bout with blocked ears.

You may just as well forget about what might happen and just get on with your life and deal with what does happen.  For me that's like walking on thin ice but it works just as well as worrying and planning for something that never happens.  Life is full of twists and turns so ludicrous that you will never be able to predict them.  Just be happy today.

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