Thursday, April 11, 2019

Spring House Cleaning

I'm not a fanatic about housework but I do like to start fresh every spring with a thorough house cleaning.  I won't be following my usual pattern this year, though, because I don't feel well and I don't want to exert myself.  When I feel stronger, I'll call Brent (Don's friend) and get him to help me do a good cleaning.  My idea of a good cleaning is to pull all the furniture away from the walls and wash everything I haven't since last spring.

Brent is a good cleaner and very fast.  I can have a list ready for him and trust him completely to get it done.  How lucky am I??  I hired him before to clean under the cupboards, baseboards, and blinds but I know I'll need a bit more this time that I don't have the energy to do myself.  Right now my energy level is close to zero but I'm hoping it will gradually get better soon.  That's what happened last year but I feel worse this year.

Spring housecleaning is therapeutic.  It just feels so good to get rid of dust you've sort of ignored in places the rest of the year.  Under the beds is a good example.  I normally only vacuum under the beds as far as the vacuum cleaner can reach so it's kind of shocking to see what lies in the center of the floor under the beds...lots and lots of dust bunnies.  

There is always so much to do when I get home from Florida...housework, doctors' appointments, banking...and I have taken care of some of it but not all of it and that plays on my mind.  I certainly don't feel anywhere near as sick as I did last week when I was at Shelley's but I'm still pretty well drained from the illness.  We seniors do take more time to heal and that is a fact of life.  I am just grateful that the horrible coughing with no breath seems to be gone.  That was one of the most horrible experiences in my life (feeling of suffocation) and I don't want it back ever!  I'll gladly work on gaining back my strength and energy to my normal limits.

Cindy and Don brought me some protein shakes last night.  She's getting along pretty good on that knee scooter but fell when exiting the elevator.  No injuries, thank heavens!  Cindy is back to work way too soon but she's a mover and a shaker and can't stand being bored so I understand why she's gone back.  

The protein shakes will be a great help to me.  I've felt all along that I should be using protein shakes at least once a day because I don't eat particularly well otherwise.  My appetite has lessened over the years probably because of age and I often eat because I have to rather than want to.  I'll start having one shake in the morning and maybe one in the evening because those are the main times my appetite is really low.

Well, I'm too chatty this morning and need to get some tidying up done around here.   

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