Thursday, May 16, 2019

Stubbed Toe

I've kind of forgotten the pain of childbirth but I don't think it hurt quite as badly as stubbing your toe.  I got up to pee in the middle of the night and sleepily walked my baby toe and side of my foot right into the wall as I was going back to bed.  All I can say is that it was a good that it's a good thing I was leaving the bathroom instead of entering it!

The pain of a stubbed toe is so excruciating that it almost qualifies for an ambulance and paramedics for the first 30 seconds.  The only good thing is that you are very aware of the pain subsiding when it gradually goes away.  Mine hasn't completely gone as of now but I think I don't need an ambulance or paramedics.  It's a little hard to walk on the foot and I have to do some shopping for yarn and plants today.  Nothing much would keep me from those lovely errands.

When Dennis was sick I broke my foot and that pain was wicked for quite a while until Cindy got me one of those soft boots to wear on it.  I was amazed that the boot, which is almost like a slipper, could alleviate the pain as well as it did.  I still have the boot and might end up wearing it if my poor foot and toe don't feel much better soon.

I've heard of people calling 911 because their pizza didn't arrive on time...wonder if anyone has ever called for a paramedic when they stubbed their toe??

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