Saturday, June 22, 2019

Male Aggression

I live in nice area that is almost always very peaceful and quiet but this morning I heard screaming and cursing coming from the parking lot of the next apartment building.  This is so unusual and I'm nosy so I looked out to see what was going on.  It was what appeared to be a young man completely out of control, screaming and then threatening to come back to whoever he was screaming at and kill them.  The cursing I could ignore but not a death threat so I called 911 and asked them to send a cop or two over here just in case this crazy person decided to force his way into his intended victim's apartment.

Male aggression has always terrified me because men have so much strength and ability to do harm.  Seeing this man so out of control as he paced back and forth in the parking lot (trying to decide whether to leave or go back in) scares me terribly for his victim.  I picture a young woman with young children absolutely terrified of this man.

The 911 operator said there had been a few calls and they had cops on the way.   They did get there quickly but not before the man disappeared.  They went directly to one of the apartment buildings so they must have good information about who he is.

I've been thinking about a man who has so little control of his anger and wondering how long it will fester in him and if he will return to do harm to someone.  We hear of battered wives and girlfriends all the time.  One of my childhood girlfriends was married to an abuser who ended up breaking down her door and beating her to death in front of her young children so my fears are not silly.  

Dennis was a calm man most of the time but he even scared me when he lost his temper.  It's the potential for harm that scares me, I guess, because he wasn't an abuser. 

And so, I'll just hope that nothing more comes of this incident and no-one gets hurt.  If it's someone's boyfriend, I hope they have the guts to never allow him in their home again.  

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