Sunday, July 21, 2019

Heat Wave

Growing up we never had air conditioning of any kind but I did live in an old house converted to apartments that had 10' ceilings.  I don't remember it being unbearably hot there at any time but we also never had the kind of heat waves we're experiencing now.  

Kids probably handle heat waves better than adults because they're active and concentrating on being kids instead of paying attention to the weather.  Being the old gal that I am, the heat hits me like a sledge hammer as soon as I walk out of an air conditioned building.  I concentrate on getting to my air conditioned car as quickly as I can!

I have my doubts about global warming because we had a very cool spring but suffering through weeks in the summer of 90+ weather is definitely not normal for this climate.  If anything, I do believe we're having extremes of weather we haven't had a decade or so ago.  

As I sit in my comfy apartment with the air conditioner and fans keeping it cool, I always think about just how many seniors are out there with no air conditioning at all and no funds to buy even a little window air conditioner.  I know there must be a lot of them.  I haven't heard of any unnecessary deaths caused by the heat yet but I'll bet there have been some.

One of my fears is that my window unit will break down (it's now 6 years old) in the middle of a heat wave and I won't be able to find a new one in the stores.  Stores did run out of the window units a few years ago and right in the middle of a serious heat wave.  I've seriously thought of buying a new one and storing it until needed.

Well, today it will be slightly cooler and there is some cloud cover so I've taken that opportunity to open the doors and windows to let some fresh air into the apartment.  We will have decent weather for the rest of the week and the rest of summer looks to be nice also.  I hope!

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