Sunday, July 14, 2019

Life Force

It's always amazed me how strong our life force is.  When I pull up to a stop light and see a little weed that has forced itself up through the concrete, it's a reminder of just why we're here.  We are alive and that gives us super strength to stay alive.

You hear of people who have been trapped in rubble for days and who survive the experience...that's the life force in them that doesn't give up easily.  Even at the worst of times, when we're near death, that damned life force keeps us hanging on long after we've given up in our minds.  The body refuses to give up.

There has to be a reason for this.  There has to be a reason why we're here in the first place.  There has to be a reason why too many of us waste the opportunity of the life that's been granted to us.  Why do we endanger this precious life by going to war against our fellow man?  Why do some of us gain pleasure from taking another's life?  

In the end, even that indomitable life force will fade away and we'll leave this world for the unknown.  All of the hatred and pettiness we've allowed ourselves to be involved in will be meaningless.  The only things that will matter in the end is the good we've accomplished.  This life is important even if we don't know the reason why. 

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