Tuesday, July 02, 2019


Donna is one of my dearest and oldest friends.  We've known each other since she was 15 and I was 17 and I've always felt we had an awful lot in common except she's the quiet one and I'm sort of loud.  It has always been a comforting and familiar time when we get together because we know each other so well and know the trials and tribulations of 2 quite long lifetimes.  Now she's not doing so well and needing 2 very serious surgeries. 

We've always joked about how Donna has outlived all of her relatives by at least 20 years and that it might be because of the supplements she takes.  She's very knowledgeable about supplements and what is good for whatever and she takes them religiously.  They haven't helped with her diabetes and that is one of the problems right now.  She has a terrible infection in her foot (common to diabetics) and can't have the heart valve surgery she needs unless the infection is cleared up.  After many months of trying to clear the infection, it's been decided she will have her leg amputated below the knee.  After this and after she has healed well enough she will have the heart surgery.  It is so much trauma for her body but she's one tough old broad who can see it through!

I love Donna.  She has been such a wonderful friend all these years and it worries me about what she is about to face.  I squawk all the time about my petty little aches and pains but this is seriously real!  I'm agnostic so I can't pray for her but I sure can send my energy out in in the form of healing thoughts.  It's almost like we're facing a marathon...first to heal from the amputation and then to heal from heart surgery.  Donna is 75 years old and I'm wondering just how strong her mental determination is to overcome these two hurdles.  

The first surgery will be within days so I have to gather up all the healing energy I can to surround her.  Shelley said that John would be a good person to explain to both Frank and Donna what the aftermath of the surgery will be like and that will be very helpful.  Frank has been such a loving and caring husband to Donna so she's very lucky to have him around to aid in her recovery.

Stress wears me out, Donna, so you have to recover quickly or I might end up in a hospital bed next to you.  LOL!

Seriously, please recover fast, my friend, because we have many things to talk and laugh about in future years.

Update:  Donna finally had her first surgery yesterday and is doing fine.  Now to heal up for the next surgery which will be to replace the heart valve.     

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