Monday, August 26, 2019

Anemia Solution

I did a bit of research and decided that I should try making my soups again but with lentils, chick peas, etc. because they are high in iron.  I really like spinach, too, and it's great added into any soup.  I rarely make a chili, which is also a good source of iron, but plan to do so soon.  I also bought some small salmon steaks which I like poached in milk but haven't bothered to buy in quite a while.  Good planning so far!

I also bought chicken thighs (dark meat is higher in iron than white) to add to my soups.  It seems I just don't want beef so I'll concentrate on more fish for sure.  Having anemia is a bit of a worry for me because I feel pretty good otherwise and it seems a shame to mess with my poor old 79 year old body at this time in my life.

I do make tasty soups.  I've got a mess of spices that I've learned to use so there should be very few chemicals in it, too.  I can't control what the farmers use to grow the produce unless I shop at Goodness Me and that's pretty expensive.  Donna shopped there all the time in order to prolong her life and it didn't help in the end.  I'll have to think about it further before doing my grocery shopping there.

It's just so weird to have little appetite when that has not been the case for most of my life.  Just think how slim I would have been if this had happened 50 years ago.  

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