Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I couldn't sleep last night, not worrying about anything but my mind kept going back to the difference between people who steal and people who work for what they have.

The 2 men who broke into the garage and damaged 38 vehicles (some from other buildings) and stole what they could find are an enigma to me.  They have no known address which means they can't even afford a home of their own and they sneak through the night stealing instead of working for their living.  They couldn't have gotten much from the cars they damaged and it took a bit of time and work for them to do what they did.  Now they'll spend some time in jail...never enough...for their efforts and 38 car owners will be out thousands of dollars to repair their cars.  It makes no sense to live like these vermin.  When they get out of jail, they'll still have no home and no money in their pockets.  And they'll steal again because that's what they do.

I took my car to be repaired yesterday and it will cost approximately $250.  The thieves also stole the cell phone charger and gum from my car.  Now, isn't that pathetic?  I'm assuming they had a car to load up the stolen stuff and I wonder where they got the car...they sure as hell didn't have any insurance and probably not even a driver's licence.  What losers they are!

One of my friends told me not to let this incident ruin the happiness of the reunion I just attended and it hasn't.  I consider this a nasty blip in an otherwise fairly happy life.  The thieves simply didn't affect me much but I also didn't have tremendous damage done to my car.  The thieves, on the other hand, will go on to live pretty miserable lives because that's the path they chose in life.

I'm sure their lawyers (paid for with our tax dollars) will plead for an easy sentence because their clients had a rough childhood.  Well, crap, so did I and I'm not a criminal.  No matter what our past lives were like, we choose how we want to live out our lives.

Lying awake, I decided that the difference between law abiding citizens and thieves is that we really did choose a cleaner and easier path while the thieves don't mind wallowing in the mud. 

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