Sunday, August 11, 2019


Some young people broke into my apartment building last Monday or Tuesday in the middle of the night and when I was in New Brunswick.  They knew how to get through to the underground parking once inside and damaged and robbed almost every car there.  They broke my driver's side window but there was nothing in the car they wanted.

I was on my way out this afternoon to get some groceries when I saw the damage to my car.  I couldn't clean up all the shattered glass...there was just too much.  I'll have to get a new window put in and also have the car cleaned before I can drive it.  Cost will be over $200 which I'll have to pay myself because I don't want to go through my car insurance.  I'm having venomous thoughts about the assholes who thought they had the right to vandalize other people's property!

One of my neighbors came by as I was trying to clean the car out and told me how many cars were damaged badly enough for their owners to need to rent another vehicle.  She said that some of the tenants had valuable items in their cars which were taken and also handicap cards and remote controls to enter the parking garage.  I was very lucky that only my one window was broken because nothing was taken, not even the remote or handicap card.

This building is mainly tenanted by seniors who can't cope with the work or cost of clean-up as easily as younger folk.  I don't know if the young offenders knew this is a senior building but I bet they wouldn't care any way.  I hope they remember this when they reach old age and feel just a bit of shame for their actions.  In the meantime, they have been caught by police and I'm hoping I get the chance to see them convicted in court.  I called the police today and told them I'm willing to lay charges against the people responsible.  I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to just sit back and forget it happened.  

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