Saturday, October 12, 2019


I've often said that bullies won't bully if their victim stands up to them but that might not be true.  A died in the wool, vicious and unconscionable bully would probably attack even stronger than before.  A lot of bullies can be stopped in their tracks simply by having their peers disapprove of their actions and that's why it's still wise to not just take bullying laying down.  

The only way to deter a determined bully is for the adults to take charge, either with stern discipline or imprisonment because this is all that will stop the truly bad ones.

I can't help but wonder how one family could have produced a 14 year old and an 18 year old capable of torturing and murdering a helpless 14 year old child.  There has got to be something seriously wrong in that home.  There will always be the aberrant criminal who comes from a loving and nurturing home but for two brothers to become murderous monsters screams bad parenting.

I think of how young Devon must have finally been able to let down his guard this time last week, having the weekend free from his tormentors.   He had only one more day of relative peace before having to face that awful Monday morning trek to school and into the hands of the beasts who hounded him.  There was not one adult in that school he could count on to keep him safe and that's one of the saddest things of all.  If only one had cared enough to walk him out to his mother's car.  If only one had cared.  

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