Wednesday, October 09, 2019

What Have We Created?

A 14 year old boy bullied by his high school classmates and neither the school or the board of education can do anything to help him.  This poor young boy must have lived in terror every day of his life in his final years, trying to just make it to school and home without being tortured.

His bullies, a 14 year old boy and his 18 year old brother, another 16 year old boy and a 16 year old girl made plans to stab him on Monday.  They chased him after school, threw some liquid on him as he ran to get away from them.  His mother had come to pick him up and saw it all.  She raced after the group and tried to get her son in the car but his bullies dragged him out and stabbed him to death.  All the while this act of terrorism was being acted out, other students, instead of running to the defense of this child, chose to use their cell phones to video it.  The total horror of these moments can't be comprehended by normal people.  But the teens who tortured the boy, murdered him, and the ones who recorded it had no conscience.  They are so warped in their thinking that they will never grow up to be normal adults.

They weren't deterred by the presence of the boy's mother.  They took a life without giving a damn.  The teens on their cell phones were almost as bad for their lack of human decency.

There is no lumping all teens with these monsters but the sheer numbers of teens who terrorize or murder are something to shock us all.  I think they do it for excitement, knowing they'll be able to act like innocent little children at their trials and have taxpayer paid lawyers who will describe them as coming from disfunctional families.  Or, if the parents have money, they'll find a judge who will be lenient on their home grown monsters.  

They know they won't serve long sentences but maybe they don't realize that even a few years in prison won't be fun.  All 4 of these monsters have destroyed their lives and they probably don't even realize it.  They've done something that will forever set them apart from decent human beings...they might hide but the facts will remain deep inside them.

What have we created?  

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