Saturday, March 28, 2020

Quarantine Day 9

I'm not posting today's stats of the coronavirus because it's becoming too depressing.  No-one I know has the virus but 2 of my family have been laid off their jobs...Kim is now on a call in basis.

I can't get my mind around the families who are struggling with the reality of no more paychecks even if it's just for a short while.  I remember how Dennis and I lived from paycheck to paycheck when we were young and how one week's disruption would have been disastrous for us.  That almost happened one time when the business he and Don T. worked for almost burned to the ground.  Luckily he was kept on as a night guard to protect the machinery so we barely had time to be frightened.

Kim says she's almost relieved to not have to go to work and to be able to remain in the safety of her house.  This is one of the sad repercussions of the makes people want to stay away from others.  We have slowly been becoming a society of solitary people and now it's even worse.  Those who had turned their backs on socializing will dig deeper into their solitary life and maybe never want to come out again.

I might sound depressed but I don't think I am.  I'm just terribly discouraged with this virus that isn't showing signs of disappearing or even slowing down.  We've heard promising signs from China and Korea but even they are not virus free.

Well, 5 more days until I can go outside...if I still want to. 

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