Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Words Spoken

When I was angry with Faye on the way home from Florida, I knew that it was best we kept our distance for a while because words spoken in anger can never be forgotten.  We might still love or care for the person who has hurt us with words but something changes and that's usually trust.  I believe a person's true thoughts slip out when they're angry and that's sometimes too much to bear.  Better we keep our mouths shut and let an issue come into perspective before we say something that will never be forgotten.

I love Faye dearly but I think it's normal to not like some parts of anyone's personality.  By taking a few days, it gave me time to realize that no deal in our friendship had been broken and I was so glad I hadn't let my temper push me to saying words I couldn't take back.  I can tell when Faye is angry with me because she gets a fire in her eyes.  I think I tend to let irritations wash over me unnoticed until they build up to a point where I explode.  As I've gotten older, I make more of an effort to not say words that can't be unspoken.

We all handle criticism differently and I can take it well as long as the person criticizing me is respectful.  I know I have some serious faults but none are vicious.  When someone criticizes you in a cruel way, it speaks volumes about what they really think of you and that's how the trust is broken.

I remember more cruel words spoken to me in my past than I do cruel actions.  I think the words hurt the most.  

Just a thought on one of the commonplace events in everyone's life and how it's everlasting.   

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