Sunday, May 31, 2020

I Reached A Milestone Today

I'm one who likes to do for herself and not depend on others.  All my adult life I've looked forward to spring cleaning to wash my own windows (on the inside) but today I realized my window washing days are done.

I knew something was different this year because I dreaded climbing the step ladder (only 1 step) because I get a bit dizzy.  I've tolerated this uncomfortable feeling for quite a few years but the worry about falling and breaking a hip is stronger now.  I did manage to wash the inside and outside of the patio doors but it was a struggle.  I left the step ladder against the kitchen window for at least 2 weeks before attempting to wash it and wash the curtains.  I love getting this done because it looks so fresh.

Anyway, today was the day and I gathered up my cleaning materials before taking that momentous step up the ladder.  It was even worse than I'd feared.  I was light headed immediately but I persevered and got it done.  It scared me.  I knew it would be foolhardy to continue with the bedroom windows so my new plan is to hire Brent (Don's friend) again.  I hired him once before to wash blinds, ceiling fans, baseboards, and under the sink.  He did an excellent job but I still felt I should be doing this stuff.  Anyway, pride truly does go before a fall...literally...and I'll ask Brent to clean the bedroom windows for me.  I had Cindy wash the ceiling fan blades last week so they're okay.

In everyone's life there comes a time when you know you need help with certain things.  Seniors face this every few years at least because we really are in freefall.  It sometimes seems our strength disappears faster by the hour.  I'm lucky to have Brent willing to do small jobs for me.  Living in an apartment means there are no major jobs any more but letting too many little chores pile up leads to a messy home.

By the way, the kitchen window looks great, clean window and clean white curtains.  It makes me feel good.  I'm closing in on my 80th birthday in August and I know I'll probably still struggle with chores that test me but I don't think they'll involve climbing a step ladder any more.

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