Saturday, June 06, 2020

All Lives Matter

I sometimes have a hard time believing there is a controversy about the slogans "All Lives Matter" and "Black Lives Matter".  It just seems so obvious to me that every life should be considered important and, if you choose one color of skin or one occupation to stress the importance, you are separating them from the group.  Separating whites and blacks is the biggest part of the problem so why keep doing it?

It will utterly amaze future generations that we idiots of the 21st century held protests, riots, and caused chaos and destruction over the prejudice of a person's skin color.  They'll ask, "did those crazy people also treat people with freckles badly?".  They won't understand us and they won't respect our intelligence because we truly are lunatics to be behaving like this over skin color.

Kim and I were talking about this yesterday because she'd received criticism for having "all lives matter" written on her cast.  Isn't that ridiculous?  How can that statement be criticized?  I'll never understand it.

I suggested the prejudice against people of color came about when our white ancestors brought black people over from Africa and enslaved them, thinking they weren't quite human beings because their skin was so dark.  How uneducated and ignorant they were to think that way but maybe it was their way of soothing their consciences for enslaving another human being.  

Black people have indeed suffered horrible prejudice since then even though some, I honestly believe most, whites have become more aware how wrong it was and who took steps to change the culture.  I'm constantly amazed how people of color have managed to succeed in life despite the unfair struggles they've had to deal with.  One even became president of the United States and I never thought I'd see that kind of educated thinking in my lifetime.  Sadly, he's despised today by the same people who elected him but I really don't know why.  He's a true gentleman as far as I can see.

I've mentioned the words "black" and "white" quite often in this blog and I absolutely hate it.  The only way we're going to get beyond this hateful culture we've created is to stop separating people by skin color.  It's such an unimportant aspect of who we are as human beings and we really have to accept that in order to move on to become a decent civilization.

Believe me, a hundred years from now we'll be considered laughing stocks and neanderthals by our descendents.

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