Tuesday, June 09, 2020

New Rules

I'm diabetic and have ignored the fact by having pedicures in salons for many years but, a month or so ago, I saw that one of the calluses on my foot had peeled away from the skin underneath and it scared me to death.  I know diabetics often lose their foot, leg, or life when an infection sets in.  I got expert advice and managed to bring the callous under control and almost completely diminished without resorting to peeling it off.  I realized that my salon pedicures are now not sensible for me so I made an appointment with a poditrist.

His office was able to begin taking patients this week and my appointment is for tomorrow at 2 P.M.  I'm looking forward to it because my toenails are a disgrace...I can't reach them to cut them properly.

Yesterday I received a call from his office confirming the appointment but being advised of the new rules.  I don't know yet if this is how all doctor's visits will be played out but it sounds like one more weird aspect of the coronavirus.  I was e-mailed a 6 page form I had to fill out, some of which asked about my personal exposure to the virus.  I'm a new patient with this doctor so I understand the need to fill out an information form for him.

In one section of the form of new rules, I was told that I was to either wait outside the building or wait in my car when I arrived.  I was then to call the office to let them know I was there and they'd let me know if it was clear to come in.  I gather they don't want anyone in the waiting room.  This is a large medical building, though, with many other offices so I'm not sure how we can all avoid each other while coming and going.  Of course I was told to wear a mask when I do come in.

I believe my temperature will be taken, too, when I finally enter the office.  I hate so much the drastic changes in this new world even though I do understand the need for them.  What's worse is that I don't ever see us getting back to our old normal.  I'll probably wear a mask when I shop until a safe and effective vaccine is available but that could take longer than the time I have left on this earth.  I doubt I'll ever feel completely comfortable again sitting in a crowded restaurant or casino.  I really think my casino days are done for good.

Anyway, wearing a mask and waiting in the car to hear if the coast is clear sounds very furtive, like I'm either going to be committing robbery or meeting a married lover.  I've never done either of those things but maybe that's how it's done.  LOL!  

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