Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Surgery Finally

I don't usually complain about our government health system but I'm not too happy with it today.  Kim fell off her bike on Sunday and broke her wrist and it's taken until today for her to have the surgery to mend it.  I accept that elective surgery in Canada will take longer to arrange but walking around with a broken wrist shouldn't be considered elective surgery.

When my wrist was broken, I spent hours in emergency only to be sent home before surgery could be done.  If my memory is correct, I spent the next day waiting only to be bumped again.  It makes sense that worse cases needing surgery should take precedence over a broken wrist but maybe these long waits mean we don't have enough surgeons in the system.  I'm just glad at the moment that Kim is finally getting her surgery today...3 days after her accident.

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