Thursday, May 14, 2020

Wearing The Mask

I'm going out for groceries today and I'll be wearing a mask.  I hate it because it's hard to breathe when it's on but I'm doing it not only to maybe protect myself but anyone else who comes close to me.  I'm a responsible person.

I don't judge non-mask wearing people I run into because there could be many reasons they're not wearing a mask.  I choose to believe they would wear one if they could find one.  If they simply choose to not care about their fellow man/woman, I'd rather not know that.

This will be my first trek to the outside world since last Sunday and I have a small list of groceries I want to get.  In the old world, I would also stop at various stores because I also have a short list of items I want that I can't get at the grocery store.  I want a new rug for the livingroom, a remote control for Netflix (for when I get it installed), and maybe a new T.V.  None of these things are essentials so they can wait for a better day.

I rarely go out to just one store but try to hit a few when I'm out and about.  I normally grocery shop 2-3 times a week but not now.  Going once a week wearing the damned mask which inhibits my breathing is as much as I can stand.  Even when the stores and restaurants open up to the public again, I'll be very selective how I'll patronize them.  I'll want lots of room to shop and eat.  I think crowds will intimidate me for a long time.  I also won't be going to the casino because just the thought of how many people are touching the controls on those machines makes me a little ill.

I'm looking forward to shopping at outdoor markets which should be available to us soon.  I'm also looking forward to having my blood tested for antibodies since the government just approved a test for it.  I think it's the same blood test that the U.S. approved months ago.  

I don't like this new world but it's all we have so we'd better make the best of it. 

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