Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Listening to the Arrogance

I made the mistake of turning on the T.V. to watch the Canadian news and then walking away to play on the computer.  This meant that I listened to nothing but COVID news for at least an hour.  It was the last person being interviewed that finally caught my attention.  I don't know his name but he's the leader of the Bloc Quebecois party...they're usually arrogant but this man was terrible.

Quebec had some of the worst cases of the virus outbreak in their nursing homes where many, many people died.  It was truly disgusting to hear that their caregivers abandoned them out of fear of catching the virus themselves and the owners of the nursing homes either weren't on scene or ignored these poor souls dying in their own filth.  The reporter interviewing the BQ leader had a difficult time getting him to answer her questions...the first sign that he had something to hide.  She asked repeatedly if he believed Quebec's nursing homes should be under government control rather than private ownership where they needed to earn a profit.  He finally responded with an arrogance that demeaned him.  And, no, he saw nothing wrong with nursing homes being privately owned and said there would have been just as many senior deaths if the nursing homes were government run.

He might be right but the nursing homes with the most deaths and disgraceful conditions were privately owned and that must make us try something different so it doesn't happen again.  Patients in nursing homes are probably the most vulnerable of all our citizens and deserve 100% protection by their government.

I've said before that what most seniors fear is senility but being put in a nursing home comes very close.  I wouldn't fear it if I knew the nursing home was well run with good caregivers but how horrible it would be to be bedridden and sick and in an abusive situation.

My Cindy eases my fears by telling me she'll never put me in a nursing home and that's all well and good but children who take on the homecare of their helpless parents are giving up their own lives to do so.  No loving parent wants to put that burden on their children.  I remember Jackie trying to care for Ferne in her home and having to accept defeat when she found water pouring down the stairs in her house because Ferne had left a tap running.  Senile patients need specialized care because they are not rational through no fault of their own and that irrationality can prove dangerous to them and others.

I'll be 80 in August and so far my mind is fairly good.  I can take care of myself in my own apartment, drive, and even write blogs.  LOL!  I know it all could change in a moment but I am very grateful for today.    

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