Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sciatic Pain Gone

 I woke up this morning and walked all the way to the bathroom before I realized my sciatic pain was gone.  It had taken 16 days of mostly excruciating pain and leg weakness but it was finally gone.  That's the longest and worst bout of sciatica that I've ever had and, as usual, worried it was here to stay instead of being intermittent.  I normally have a degree of discomfort with sciatica for a few days only and it has never affected my leg before.

I don't think the muscle relaxer prescribed by my doctor helped other than to ensure I got a good nights sleep.  I took Shelley's advice and took Aleve morning and night for about 12 of those days and, even though it didn't mask the pain as well as I thought it should, it did seem to help diminish it over the 16 days until it just faded away to nothing.

I've always planned on taking medical marijuana if and when I'm in chronic pain and this time the pain lasted long enough for me to start thinking about having a talk about it to my doctor.  Mary B. has chronic back pain that has debilitated her for years and she now takes a drop of the oil twice a day and her pain is gone.  That's my plan for when I might need it!

I stayed up way too late last night watching some really interesting movies on Netflix.  Something I've noticed is how often the characters say f--k.  I'm not a prude but having the dialogue filled to overflowing with that word seems to make the writers appear lazy.

Anyway, no pain is good!   

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