Thursday, September 03, 2020

Sciatica Is Back

 It's hard to believe how badly this sciatica has affected my life.  I literally cannot even walk unless I take at least 1 Aleve and even then it's with great difficulty.  I'm not sure I'll get much satisfaction from my doctor who prescribed me muscle relaxers and suggested I should start using a cane.  Neither of those will relieve the terrible and debilitating pain I'm experiencing in my left leg.  This has hit me like a lightening bolt.

I know it's not healthy for me to keep taking Aleve but I can barely exist without it.  And then there's the possibility the Aleve will stop working, too.  I'm seriously considering trying the marijuana serum that Mary takes because it completely took her back pain away.  I worry I'll be one of the people it won't help, though.

Funny how I reached the age of 80 with almost no arthritis and now I'm beaten down with a sciatic pain that prevents me from walking.  I'll have to give marijuana a try.

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