Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Shack

 If anyone had told me I'd have many of my questions about religion answered in the movie, "The Shack", I would have laughed at them.  But that's what really happened and I wasn't prepared for the intensity of it.

I'm not religious and that stems from my childhood when none of my questions were answered and I was always told, "just believe".  I came to understand that none of the adults knew the answers, either, and that made me think there was nothing but folklore to religion.

Yesterday, I'd skimmed through some terrible movies on Netflix until I spotted "The Shack" and decided to watch it as a last choice before giving up.  I watched to the very end, sobbing through most of it, and got many of my youthful questions answered in a way I could understand.  Who would have believed the answers would come to me in a B grade movie???

Sylvia had tried to explain to me that we are all free to make our choices, mistakes, and even to commit evil.  God, or whoever, didn't change the course of our behaviour but helped us through the aftermath.  That made no sense to me until watching "The Shack".  So much became clear to me and I know that I'd be a church goer if I'd seen this movie in my childhood.  Organized religion still means nothing to me but a higher power is starting to make sense. My belief that we're all connected was reinforced but the most profound revelation was the concept of forgiveness.  I have never been able to find it in my heart to forgive but this  movie gave me some insight on how to do that.  I'll work on it.

Again, who would have thought that, at the age of 80, many of my questions would be answered in a simple movie?

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