Monday, August 24, 2020

Sleeping Well

 Because I've had sleep issues most of my adult life, I really appreciate it when I sleep well.  It usually doesn't last for long, though, and I know I'll soon have those awful nights when my body is tired but my mind won't shut off.

I remember when I could get by on a couple of hours sleep but not any more.  If my sleep is disrupted that badly, I'll feel physically ill all day and there's no way to pull myself out of it.  Sometimes I'm so worn out that I still can't sleep and that's true misery.  This is why I'm thoroughly enjoying the last week or so that I've slept well because it gives me energy for the day.

Dennis used to fall asleep within a minute of laying down his head and I'm sorry but I resented that.  Of course, he'd worked hard all day, too, but I think he just had good sleep habits.  Kim is like him...I think Shelley sleeps well but Cindy might not.  I don't remember my mother or grandmother having trouble with sleeping so I doubt it's hereditary.  My own sleeping habits changed drastically when I began having emotional problems so it's more a state of mind than physiological.

I still have a nap in the afternoon...maybe a half hour to an hour and seem to need it, especially when I get up before dawn.  I don't do much physical work but keep my mind busy more than my body.  Age has something to do with it, too.

We've had a few really hot days but August has not been near as hot as July was.  In fact, it's been mostly lovely summer weather but with little rain.  I have memories of lovely summer days when I was young and I can still remember the feel of the warmth on my skin.  I love when my senses recall summer rains and the freedom of youth.  Life was very much less dangerous in those days and that's why we were allowed a lot of freedom to wander even as a young child.  These days, I panic if I see a child under the age of 12 walking by themselves.  How did we become such an evil society where children aren't safe on the streets?

Well, I've played on the computer, made my bed and washed a few dishes.  Time to do some Swedish weaving and watch some talk shows.  I'm feeling peaceful.

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