Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday, Sunday

 We're in the midst of that perfect fall weather all of us northerners look forward to every year.  The sun is shining, the air is warm, and the leaves have started to change color.  It's the best time in the year to take a Sunday drive and that's what I'll do today.  Matt and Jackie were supposed to come by today but they forgot about a previous plan so Matt dropped in yesterday with a Tim's coffee for me.  Of all my 8 grandchildren, Matt has turned out to be the one who stays in closest contact with me, calling me when I'm sick, and dropping by just to chat.  It matters!

I ordered 2 pots and a frying pan from Amazon this past week and they arrived on Friday.  I'm thrilled to death with my new turquoise pots!  I don't like ordering from Amazon but it seems like the safest thing to do these days instead of going in to crowded stores.  It's actually a convenience I've come to enjoy because I really don't like shopping in person except for clothes.

It seems we're in the second wave of the virus because our infection numbers are rising quite a bit.  It's going to be pretty bad once the regular flu season hits us, too.  I do hope we'll have a relatively safe vaccine by next year because my time for wintering in Florida is quickly disappearing.  I plan to buy a newer car this year and rent one of the new trailers in the park next year if at all possible.  I really enjoyed that rental this past winter, especially with it's own washer and dryer.

It's kind of strange to plan for the future when you're 80 but I feel good, my mind is still active, and I love being around fun people so why not just keep on going until I can't?  It's lovely spending time with Faye and Mary but we don't see each other often enough and I always have lots of company when I'm in the park in Florida.  Shelley lives close to the park and I get to see her when they're not too busy so it's a win-win situation for me.

But this winter will be one where I hunker down in my sweet little apartment and try to avoid getting COVID.  And then we'll see if the springtime brings us a vaccine and daffodils.   

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